The 22-Day Revolution: Vegan Diet Day Twenty

The clock is ticking down to the end of my 22-day vegan challenge! To find out more about the Marco Borges’ 22-Day Revolution, and begin with day zero, click here!

(Click here to be taken to the Amazon page to purchase your own copy, through my affiliate link: The 22-Day Revolution: The plant-based programme that will transform your body, reset your habits, and change your life.)

Smoothie for breakfast three days in a row! I quite like getting in my veggies so early in the morning, and today’s Lean Green Juice was delicious – kale, spinach, a frozen banana, two green apples and a lemon. However, I am definitely looking forward to eating something solid for tomorrow’s breakfast (bruschetta!) The calorie count for this was 313.

Lunch was quinoa salad with lentils – and I’m going to come right out and say it – I don’t particularly like lentils. I’ve tried to be good and eat them, but in all honesty, after trying various ways of eating them, I have to say that the pappy texture just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t even really like tarka dhal, no matter how much my friends try to make it for me! So, this wasn’t my favourite and after a few bites I gave up and had some peanut butter on gluten-free bread, plus a packet of salted caramel fruit and nut nibbles from Nakd. Total calories for that was 308. (By the way, I think the quinoa salad recipe given in the book makes two to four portions!)

Dinner was a dish I could definitely get behind, and enjoyed the first time I made it – baked aubergine with pico de gallo. I used half the amount of olive oil given, and ended up with way too much red onion in my mix, but it’s still a gorgeous dish. At 503 calories it’s still pretty high, which is such a shame – most of the calories come from the olive oil. I love aubergine but I hate how many extra calories you have to add to it to get that smokey, unctuous taste. LIFE IS SO HARD!

Full calories for the day, including my tea, was 1278. I see a lot of people trying out this diet and giving up the caffeine as well. I wonder how you’re all doing? Definitely braver than I am – I can’t think of much that would convince me to give up tea and coffee!

No exercise again today – I’m still feeling lousy from my illness so I’ve decided to rest up this week! Here’s a bonus picture of my pretty aubergine, because vegetables are blimming gorgeous sometimes!

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8 thoughts on “The 22-Day Revolution: Vegan Diet Day Twenty

  1. Melissa says:

    I’m not giving up coffee and also having the occasional Diet Coke, AND square of dark chocolate. Those things make me feel as if I am not too, too deprived! Loving all of the meals, though.


    • Food, Fash, Fit says:

      Are you having vegan chocolate? I’ve got some and it’s okay but I wouldn’t pick it over dairy chocolate!


      • Food, Fash, Fit says:

        I don’t blame you! Ha ha! I’m looking forward to cheese and chocolate the most! Don’t miss meat too much, to be honest!


      • Melissa says:

        Your question made me go and look! It doesn’t say vegan, but it is 70% cocoa — is cocoa butter dairy? it says only that it “may contain traces of milk”. Who knows — I don’t feel too guilty! It is funny — I thought I would miss meat, but it is only the cheese that I miss.


      • Food, Fash, Fit says:

        Ha ha, how mysterious! I didn’t think cocoa butter was dairy… I guess it must have a trace, but hey – enjoy it either way! 😉


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